ACRP 2025 | A Statistics-Driven Approach to Case Report Form Design

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A Statistics-Driven Approach to Case Report Form Design

It seems as if everyone has their own way of designing case report forms (CRFs). For study coordinators, this can mean encountering new expectations (good, bad, or indifferent) from study to study, as well as the same things (truly necessary or not) across many studies. There's always a bit of copying and pasting happening, too, in the hope that lessons learned from prior studies will guide the development of future CRF content. But what if you could have a fail-proof process to ensure that the first draft of a CRF had 95% of the critical variables needed? Find out how using a statistics-driven approach can simplify CRF design. Cut out the noise by removing onerous and non-applicable checklist variables and focusing on only adding analyzable fields that make every single variable useful. During this talk, a research coordinator-turned-clinical research associate will also provide insight into how they contribute to the review process to ensure study flow at the site is taken into consideration.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


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