ACRP 2025 | How the New Single IRB Requirements Will Change Clinical Research

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How the New Single IRB Requirements Will Change Clinical Research

Using lessons learned from the implementation of the National Institutes of Health single institutional review board (IRB) mandate in 2018 and the Common Rule cooperative research provisions enacted in 2020, participants will explore how changes in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations requiring single IRB review, as proposed in 2022, would impact how clinical researchers get IRB approval for their studies. Building on the processes already in place nationally to have IRB review conducted by a single IRB, this session will discuss how the narrower scope of the FDA’s proposed single IRB requirements will necessitate that clinical research teams work more closely with their local IRBs and possibly the FDA prior to proposal submission. Participants will also learn more about the specific decision points required when considering whether the proposed FDA single IRB requirement applies to proposals.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


Related Resource:

The new ACRP Guidelines and Regulations Resource Center has the most relevant and up-to-date resources for all professionals whose roles involve conducting and leading clinical research. ACRP will post updates and links to content impacted by the changes to the ICH E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Watch a Sneak Peek into the Session Content: