Maintaining optimal staffing levels to meet the dynamic nature of the clinical research environment effectively and efficiently has significant operational, financial, and compliance implications. Managing appropriate staffing levels across centralized offices requires communication, access to data, defined metrics, and an understanding of institutional processes. There are multiple mechanisms, tools, and resources to determine appropriate staffing levels for business roles to manage your clinical research portfolio. During this panel discussion, we will address various institutional methodologies for calculating full-time equivalent (FTE) needs and the data required to make informed decisions. This will help attendees identify opportunities for improving their infrastructure by exploring optimum staffing levels by task/function to promote quality research, meet sponsor expectations, and enhance workplace satisfaction levels in every role. We will also explore approaches to plan for growth and project future FTE needs.
CEU: 1.00 ACRP
Mindy Muenich, Senior Director, Huron Consulting Group
Shannen Nelson, Executive Director, Clinical Research Operations, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Stephanie Pabst, Assistant Vice President, Sponsored Research Services, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
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Study & Site Management Journey Sponsor