ACRP 2025 | 2025 Program

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April 26*

Filtering by: April 26*
The ABCs of Risk-Based Monitoring for Sites
4:30 PM16:30

The ABCs of Risk-Based Monitoring for Sites

For more than a decade, multiple sources of regulatory guidance have increased their focus on risk management in clinical studies, paving the way for industry to adopt more risk-based monitoring strategies internationally. With the issuance of ICH E6(R3), an even more focused risk-based approach is expected. While Industry initially struggled to implement risk-based monitoring, moving review into central/remote scenarios as opposed to traditional onsite monitoring, we can now apply lessons learned to various indications and phases of research. We’ve come very far in tailoring systems and approaches to fit the needs of studies while still building in quality by design. Sites are important partners, but have been left out of the conversation about risk-based monitoring. Industry has fallen short in making risk-based monitoring something tangible to sites. Our goal is to bring sites a greater understanding of what sponsors/contract research organizations (CROs) are looking for, how they develop their key risk indicators, and how their ongoing monitoring and mitigation strategies impact their studies.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


  • Sara Croteau, Associate Director, Clinical Operations - Quality Management, Innovaderm

  • Valerie Paolella, Associate Director, Clinical Trial Management, Innovaderm

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Related Resource:

The new ACRP Guidelines and Regulations Resource Center has the most relevant and up-to-date resources for all professionals whose roles involve conducting and leading clinical research. ACRP will post updates and links to content impacted by the changes to the ICH E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Study & Site Management Journey Sponsor

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When and Why to Include Diverse Perspectives in Participant-Facing Materials
4:30 PM16:30

When and Why to Include Diverse Perspectives in Participant-Facing Materials

This session will review the ways in which critical representatives, including patient and caregiver advocates, from across the research landscape can be meaningfully engaged by sponsors and sites to co-develop effective, patient-facing processes or resources. Through the lens of an ongoing community-engaged project, steps and strategies to recruit, engage with, and retain key informants will be presented and discussed. Participants will come away with an appreciation of the opportunities that sustained relationship-building affords a project, as well as tips and techniques for including patients and community members from initiation through dissemination, and beyond. Topics to be covered include health literacy concepts, clear communication strategies, and workgroup facilitation techniques.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


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Sustaining Studies and Keeping the Team Afloat in Rough Waters
4:30 PM16:30

Sustaining Studies and Keeping the Team Afloat in Rough Waters

One of the predominate challenges we face in our field is not having enough "hands on deck" to tackle all the work in front of us. This principal issue is accompanied by a litany of subsequent challenges that impact managers, coordinators, sponsors, stakeholders, and most importantly, study patients. We will discuss how to keep a team of research professionals seaworthy across entire studies by diminishing the strain on its members through provision of "floating coordinators" giving temporary coverage for projects and departments on an as-needed basis. We will break the ice on this topic, which we believe will become increasingly relevant, and we'll share our top tips for instituting and managing such programs wherever they are needed in the research enterprise.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


  • Michelle Bright, MA, CCRP, Director of Clinical Research Operations, Center for Clinical Research Management, Ohio State University College of Medicine

  • Diana Burke, MA, CCRC, Lead Clinical Research Coordinator, Center for Clinical Research Management, Ohio State University College of Medicine

  • Patrick Rowan, MS, CCRP, Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, Center for Clinical Research Management, Ohio State University College of Medicine

Watch a Sneak Peek into the Session Content:

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Training for the Informed Consent Process: Going from Good to Great
4:30 PM16:30

Training for the Informed Consent Process: Going from Good to Great

Join us for an engaging, fun-filled session where staff from a large healthcare and research organization will share practical strategies for creating a workshop course series that elevates informed consent training from adequate to superior heights. Identify tactics to address gaps in your informed consent education and to navigate unique informed consent scenarios. Learn how to utilize gameplay applications and simulation activities, and how to share the knowledge of experienced clinical research staff to improve the practices of your novice clinical research workforce. Discover how to enhance your clinical research operations through empowerment of your teams to offer research opportunities to diverse clinical trial participant populations in non-ideal conditions--all while keeping your training exciting and interesting.

CEU: 1.00 ACRP


Watch a Sneak Peek into the Session Content:

Related Resource:

The new ACRP Guidelines and Regulations Resource Center has the most relevant and up-to-date resources for all professionals whose roles involve conducting and leading clinical research. ACRP will post updates and links to content impacted by the changes to the ICH E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice Guidelines.

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Closing Remarks at the Networking Reception
5:00 PM17:00

Closing Remarks at the Networking Reception

Join us for the closing remarks as ACRP Leadership shares final announcements, including the reveal of the three winners of the Clinical Research Poster Presentations.

Take this final opportunity to connect with colleagues and explore innovative solutions from 100+ leading-edge organizations and suppliers driving better results in clinical research.

Relax and celebrate a successful conference with a beverage and light hors d'oeuvres in the Expo Hall.

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